Car StoriesFeaturedOn Tour

Thelma and Louise Parody with Taylor Swift and Shania Twian

Since all the other sites are trying to catch up on this story we thought we  better start giving you the on site photos from the shoot. We have hundreds more but will not do them all right now.

It is our 1965 Thunderbird that Taylor and Shania along with Kid Rock are using in the Thelma and Louise parody for the CMT Awards.

We were on location from 6:00 AM until nearly 8:00 PM. That was a long day in the hot Tennessee summer sun. However, the real work started after that by the production company turning all of that raw footage into the video you will see on TV 48 hours later!

To see a video on this 1965 Thelma and Louise Parody Thunderbird, Click Here.

It was a very fogy morning when the first videos were underway.

Kid Rock as a hitch hiker? Only in TN!

Most of the video of the driving was done with the car on the ground but the close ups were done on a trailer.

“Thelma and Louise” in our 1965 Thunderbird!

Our Bird hit the road with “Thelma and Louise”!

Camera crew at BP gas station.

Hot gas station guy fills their tank! Detail note; the gas door is on the driver’s side but this made a better photo!

Shania is a beautiful woman!

In front of the Church that became a music studio, waiting for Taylor to come running out the door!

Our two stars get a little protection from the sun! This was a dry run before the actual shots were made. Shania was to drive forward and pick up Taylor as she ran out to jump into the Thunderbird. During the “dress rehearsal” the assistants ran along side the car to keep the ladies in the shade of the umbrellas; it was quite a site.

First Kid Rock now Kenny Rogers standing along side the rode in TN signing a song. Love this place!

Kid Rock waits for his scene sitting on the back of the Thunderbird.

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I grew up and lived in Iowa for a good portion of my life before moving to Southern California. After 20+ years we now live outside Nashville Tennessee. I have been into cars since I was old enough to remember. I don't have a brand loyalty although I do prefer American Muscle especially the 1969/1970 NASCAR Aero Cars. (Check out our other web site at site) As long as it has four wheels and an engine I get excited. Few men are lucky enough to be able to share their passion for cars with the woman they love. Fortunately, my wife, Katriana, is also a gear head and many of our activities revolve around the cars. We have a small collection that includes at least one car from each of the Big Three. It includes a Best of Show winner, a survivor, a driver with lots of patina and several others. Katrina prefers all original cars while I like to modify them so we have a few of each. When we aren't playing with cars we are out working with or showing our miniature donkeys. You can see more about that part of our lives at

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  1. I have a co-worker under-going chemo treatments with another scheduled treatment for this Friday. Taylor Swift autographed a beautiful photo addressed to my co-worker at the Thelma and Louise film shoot. Taylor, brought a Huge smile to my friend’s face and I can’t thank her enough for taking time out of a hot day to be so kind.

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