Man Cave Stuff
If you are like us it isn’t just the cars that get us excited it is also all the car stuff! You know, the newest wax, a good set of shocks for the car, the biggest coffee table book, a lift for the garage, the cool new tool you can’t live without or maybe it is just a clever chair that keeps you out of the sun at those summer cruises. It’s all Garage Gear!
What ever it is we will be obtaining and using all of these Garage Gear products and letting you know what we think of them. You will get brief overviews in the Bog page but then later on we will give you a more in depth analysis of the item.
This is not going to be a scientific numbers crunching test to see what shock will make your car corner the best or which tweak will make your beast faster in the quarter mile. All of these kinds of evaluations are good but face it, we all like different things for different reasons. That’s one of the things we like about this hobby; you can’t get bored because someone is always doing it different. All we are going to do is get a product you see or use in the garage, use it like you would (no hermetically sealed envelopes or DNA tests) and tell you what we think. Our Garage Gear tests are that simple. We get a car part, we will look it over, show you how to install it and we tell you what we think. You can then go buy it or not. If we get a set of shocks for the car, we will drive it and tell you what we think. Our goal is to give you a real world review of an item and let you make up your own mind. We will be adding categories and items to our Garage Gear page as time passes.