Muscle Car update on the 1968 Cyclone GT 500
If you are a regular visitor to this site you already know my search for the real information on the 1968 Mercury Cyclone GT 500 of which only 60 were ever built. The visitors to this site are the very best. I ask and you respond. Since the first of the year I have had 3 of you provide great additional info. One was by E-mail, two were by phone and one even followed up with a visit from out of state. 500 miles to talk cars, now that is my kind of guy, and he brought his wife. Great meeting you Alan and Elaine!
You can go to our Project Cars page and see the latest info on this car.
I have some questions for you. You have done such a great job with providing information of the GT 500 I what you to help me with this site.
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