We recently received another link to a New Zealand car show that featured American cars from one of our friends, “Kiwi” Robert Pegler. I thought all you might enjoy this video. Now, for all you US gear heads remember they drive on the “wrong” side of the road down there. The first time I saw this I had to do a double take when the cars started coming on the wrong side of the road.
As an Okie Down Under, I can relate to the out-of-body feeling of being on the wrong side of the road, and having a US muscle car coming at you, with “no driver”, only a passenger seemingly sitting in the ditch. After two decades here, I’m used to the wrong side thing, but still cannot imagine piloting a left-drive car on NZ roads. It’s got to be insane, especially at roundabouts (traffic circles) where you yield to the car coming from the right, which could be in your blind spot in many US cars. Also can’t get over how cheap a lot of US muscle cars are here. Thought about getting rich sending some to the US… but never did. So I just look at them and drool. Like at the Challenger I saw the other day. Now THAT brings back memories!