In Car Video Camera

I, like most guys, am a sucker for new toys! I just received a new in-car on-car camera system from Hoyt Technologies. We have not put it to heavy duty use yet but have had lots of fun playing with it.
This is the same kind of camera you see mounted to race cars and police cars etc. With the different mounting systems it can be mounted on a roll bar, dashboard, rear window or even on the outside on a fender or on your hood. We will be giving this little unit a vary good workout in a few weeks and will have a complete detailed review in our Product Review section.
We plan on taking it on road trips, do some autocross events with it and maybe even mount it under a raised hood at some shows to get some candid shots. We will also be using it for a lot of the videos you will be seeing on this site in the future.
In addition to being a terrific little video camera it also has the capability to take single photographs and the entire system costs less than some plain old digital cameras. Oh, did I mention it shoots in HD! How cool is that?