Savoy Automobile Museum
Located in Cartersville, GA between Chattanooga and Atlanta just off i-75

My wife and I love to hop in one of our collector cars and head out on the highway to visit a car museum. Sometimes they are small, other times gigantic. Sometimes we are disappointed (very seldom), and other times we think we have found our new all time favorite car museum. Recently, the spring weather came early to the South and we decided to jump in the C5 ZO6 Corvette and head to the Atlanta area to visit a new car muesum we have been hearing great things about. It is an easy 3 hour drive from our home in Tennessee. The sun was out and the temperature was in the 60s, a great early spring day for a drive.

We have been told by other car people that the Savoy is a brand new museum, and has a great building that will be expanding in the future. “Savoy Automobile Museum”, does that seem like an unusual name for a car museum? To us it does. Usually you find them named after a special make of car, the owners name or generic theme name like “Muscle Car” etc. In this case, the name is much more unique. When construction was underway and the woods were being cleared, a rusted out hulk of a 1954 Plymouth Savoy was discovered. How appropriate to name the Savoy Automobile Museum built on the cemetary and last resting place of a 1954 Plymouth Savoy. That very car sits in its unrestored condion welcoming all who enter from the Museum’s parking lot!

When we arrived we were excited about the architecture of the building and the expansice grounds available for car shows and future museum expansion. Most of all, we were immediatley blown away by the gigantic hood ornament sculpture in front of the building. It is not only chrome and beautiful but also, what appears to be, as large as a bus!

When we finally stopped staring at the bigger than life hood ornament and moved into the Museum we were equally impressed with the quality and beauty of our surroundings. There are many “galleries” each with a special theme of the cars on display within it. There is also a small gift shop with disappointedly few items for sale. Surprisenly, there is a large resturant for visitors to refill their human gas tank. We typically expect such restaurants to be expensive and not always the best food. NOT HERE! The prices were about what you would pay at a poor quality junk fast food place. However, here the food was fantastic. We both had the double hamburger and it was delisious. If we lived closer, we would go to the Savoy Automobile Muesum for a Saturday luch on a regular basis. Why not, they have great cars and terrific food? They change at least one Gallery every month with new cars rotated in from their 300+ cars in storage in the vault behind the Museum. Its a little far for us to visit every month but we are thinking of becomeing Members and may even be taking one of our show cars down to their next car show.

Below are a few of our favorite cars from each of the Galleries. The cars range from those owned by the Mueum to a few on loan from collectors in the area and elsewhere. One we noticed, it was our favorite car in the Museum, was on loan from Wayne Carini’s collection.