1969 Nuremberg Dodge Daytona
Detailed Video

Uncle Tony of Uncle Tony’s Garage YouTube Channel recently visited us. If you have never visited his videos, you should definitely do so. He is far different and better than the typical YouTuber.
The purpose of his visit to our garage was to take an in-depth look at what Dodge had to do to make a 1969 Dodge Charger into a winged Daytona. When I acquired this car, it was solid but in desperate need of restoration. Over an 18 month period, we did a complete teardown and factory correct restoration. It has since gone on to win many awards and even a Best in Show.
Uncle Tony is a wealth of knowledge on all cars but really goes into the cracks and crevices of MOPARs. If you would like to know more about the restoration of this car, you can start here.
This video is a little longer than most but is very informative and interesting. Make sure you watch to the end and see what is coming next! You will also get a peek inside our personal garage.