Collector Car Stolen
Editor: I received the following email today. It is one more reminder of how important it is to watch over and protect our collector cars when we are traveling to or at car shows. I know of cars being stolen off the show field! The story below is much to common. Keep your eyes open for this car. You might return a treasure to its rightful owner and make yourself $10,000.
This past weekend the Atlanta Oldsmobile club sponsored a BOPC show in Atlanta in which a member of the Nashville Oldsmobile club had their car stolen. Below is an email regarding the theft and the offering of a $10,000 reward for the return of the vehicle. I would appreciate it if you could share the email with other car hobbyists.
In the midst of our celebration, we had a very unfortunate incident and we’d like to ask for your (continued) help with the situation. As some of you may already be aware, Larry and Elaine Palmer had their beautiful Oldsmobile stolen the night before the event took place. Their truck and trailer carrying the Olds was also stolen however both the truck and trailer have recently been found. The Oldsmobile is still missing and we’d like your help in spreading the word. Please share this with everyone you know and be on the lookout for this vehicle:
1952 Oldsmobile Super 88, Burgundy, Convertible
Vin # 528M12355
Tag # AA 96827 TN (antique). REWARD $10,000
If found, contact the Cobb County Police Department
Officer- X.D. WIlson
Badge # 2628