Car StoriesFeaturedOn Tour

Fall Tour

1964 Corvette

The show season is winding down in all but a few locations of the country right now. Most of you are most likely tucking your pride and joy away for the winter season. Don’t be in too big of hurry to put it away just yet. We actually went to fewer shows this year but tried to drive our cars a little more. Recently we had the opportunity to join some new friends here in Middle TN for a fall cruise through the TN hills and fall foliage ending up at a club member’s home in the woods overlooking a creek and waster fall. It was a terrific day.

Cruisers on the road.

Taking your car out on the road and enjoying it with other car lovers is a very rewarding experience. We still enjoy the occasional show that gives people without cars an opportunity to come out and visit with people who do. It is our chance to educate and hopefully encourage others to join us by finding their own entry level car. Once they have that first collector car it will likely not be their last.

Some of the participants.

Our fall tour stayed on some major back roads that wind through scenic TN hills. The speeds were kept at or below the speed limit since the cars ranged from modern day sports cars, muscle cars to early 30s vehicles. We had no breakdowns or other incidents which might mar the day. When we arrived at our destination after an hour and half drive we were treated to some of the most beautiful and peaceful scenery that can be found any were in the US. The beauty of the natural and man made surrounding was matched by the food that was brought by the participants. The friendships of those who love cars always provides a great day.

Some of the participants cars.

The weather was crisp but the sun was out and the fire pit was welcome and warm. A stroll in the woods to a neighboring water fall was breathtaking. It was a perfect fall day; a nice cruise in a collector car, a feast of home cooked foods, surrounded by nature and the beauty that is Tennessee.

Nothing better for a car guy and his gal!

Creek behind member’s home.


Engine in Ford “Rodchero”


1951 Plymouth


Some of the participants were unable to drive their collector car for what ever reason but were just as happy and welcome in their everyday driver.


This is only one of the historical buildings on this member’s home site. The grounds are more like a historical site than a home.


This is one beautiful 1932 Buick but it was on the tour with even the newest muscle cars.


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I grew up and lived in Iowa for a good portion of my life before moving to Southern California. After 20+ years we now live outside Nashville Tennessee. I have been into cars since I was old enough to remember. I don't have a brand loyalty although I do prefer American Muscle especially the 1969/1970 NASCAR Aero Cars. (Check out our other web site at site) As long as it has four wheels and an engine I get excited. Few men are lucky enough to be able to share their passion for cars with the woman they love. Fortunately, my wife, Katriana, is also a gear head and many of our activities revolve around the cars. We have a small collection that includes at least one car from each of the Big Three. It includes a Best of Show winner, a survivor, a driver with lots of patina and several others. Katrina prefers all original cars while I like to modify them so we have a few of each. When we aren't playing with cars we are out working with or showing our miniature donkeys. You can see more about that part of our lives at

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  1. Katrina and Dick,

    It was so nice to meet you on Sat. It was a wonderful day! Thanks for the nice pictures, I’ll add them to the ones we took.
    Hope to see you again!

    Stan and Mary Zdeb 🙂

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