Ford Talladega and Mercury Cyclone Spoiler Registry open for Business!

The web site is devoted exclusively to the 1969 Ford Talladega, Mercury Cyclone Spoiler and Spoiler II as well as the Cyclone Pre-Spoilers and 1968 Cyclone GT 500 cars. However, this new Registry also has a place for those very special Prototypes the King Cobra and 1970 Spoiler II. Registration is free as is a wealth of information and photos on these cars.
For a nominal fee anyone can join the Registry as a Team Member and participate in the Forum as well as gain access to more detailed registration and restoration information on these rare Blue Oval rides. There is also a Selling and Sold Car Price Tracker, a Forum just for enthusiasts of these cars plus a regularly updated Blog. There are even signed and numbered limited edition artist prints of the cars available.
If you are not familiar with these very rare NASCAR aero cars stop by this site and read through the detailed history of how and why they came about. Learn how rare these cars really are and why they are some of today’s best collector car values.
You can also keep up on all the latest information regarding the 2011 Talladega Family Reunion to be held in Sevierville, TN as part of the annual Forge Classic on September 9th and 10th 2011.