Car StoriesFeaturedOn TourTalladega Family Reunion

Registration Due for 2011 Talladega Family Reunion

It is time to once again to prepare for the 1969 Ford Talladega Family Reunion. No, this is not a bunch of redneck Alabama family members getting together to drink moonshine; well maybe just a couple. If you are new to this site you should know we are really into the 1969 Ford brand NASCAR aero cars. These are the cars designed and built for the single purpose of being fast on the Super Speedways like Daytona and Talladega.

These cars were only built in 1969 and in very limited numbers at that. To be specific the Family Reunion includes the Ford Talladega, Mercury Cyclone Spoiler and Spoiler II Cale Yarborough and Dan Gurney Specials. If you add together all of the cars that were built for this purpose the total would only amount to approximately the same number of 1970 Plymouth Superbirds! When was the last time you saw a Superbird at your show or cruise? Now consider that the Blue Oval brand built 5 different cars and still did not significantly exceed the number of winged Roadrunners.

On September 9 and 10 of 2011 in Sevierville, Tennessee the 2nd Annual Talladega Family Reunion will be bringing together what is planned to be the largest collection of these cars since they left the factory in 1969. At the first annual Reunion there were 25 examples ranging from unrestored originals too race cars too prototypes and fully restored classics. 2011 hopes to see that number double with even more unique and previously not seen vehicles on display. YOU SHOULD REGISTER AND MAKE HOTEL RESERVATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REGISTERED ATTENDEES WILL RECEIVE A DISCOUNT RATE AT THE HOST HOTEL!


Four things make this show stand out:

  1. All Ford Talladega, Mercury Cyclone Spoiler and Spoiler II cars are eligible to attend. Not just show cars but even not running barn finds or ratty drivers are eligible.
  2. This is a non-judged show. The intent is to see these cars as they are; show cars are beautiful, originals are archeological research finds and barn finds are surprise packages.
  3. This is a “Family Reunion”; this means it is not just for the cars it includes the guys who designed and built them back in the day, it include the race car builders, the racers, and all of the people who have owned one or currently do own one. This show is about the people as much as it is the cars!
  4. Finally, this show is held in conjunction with one of the very best muscle car shows in the World, the Forge Classic. Here you will get an opportunity to see some of the top muscle cars on your Bucket List!

The Forge Classic Show is an invitational only show you must submit an application and be accepted to enter. The Talladega Family Reunion is also an invitational only show…if you own one of these cars you are invited! However, you must still register. You have two options one is for the inside Forge Show or the outside show. Admission is charged to spectators to enter the inside show but two weekend tickets are included with your registration. The outside show has no admission charge but there is a charge to enter your car.

The Talladega Family Reunion is much more than just a show; it is a Reunion and an event. It is an opportunity for anyone who owns one of these cars, has owned one of them or might desire to own one to meet and visit with others of similar interest. In addition, attendees will be able to view videos, review recent parts finds and visit with some well known experts who were there when these cars were built and raced. There are plans to even have a seminar on Sunday morning following the Show to have breakfast and learn more about these cars and plans for expansion of the Reunion. A group photo of all “Family” cars and owners will also be taken on Sunday morning.

I have been playing with cars for a very long time; I have participated in everything from indoor cars shows, concurs, racing to cruising and there is one thing I can tell you for sure. It isn’t the trophy or the magazine feature that makes your day; it is the people you meet and the stories you tell when sitting in the garage that leaves a lasting memory. This Talladega Family Reunion is about meeting friends, looking at rare cars and telling some terrific stories. This is a rare opportunity so share a weekend with us at the Forge Classic Car Show and Ford Talladega Family Reunion.

If you have any questions or comments about the Reunion please contact or To Register for the Reunion call Jason Thompson at: (865) 828-8384 or email at

We will be bringing you monthly updates regarding the show and some of the registered attendees leading up to the show.

If this isn’t enough to get you to the show consider that the event is being held on the edge of the Smokey Mountains National Park, minutes away from Dollywood and at the same time as the Shades of the Past Rod Run show is being held in the area and the week before the Grand Rod Run. AND, if all of that aren’t enough reasons to attend, there is always the Floyd Garrett Muscle Car Museum located just down the street to visit!

At the Forge Show there are always magazines and possibly even TV shows there looking for the next Feature Car!

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I grew up and lived in Iowa for a good portion of my life before moving to Southern California. After 20+ years we now live outside Nashville Tennessee. I have been into cars since I was old enough to remember. I don't have a brand loyalty although I do prefer American Muscle especially the 1969/1970 NASCAR Aero Cars. (Check out our other web site at site) As long as it has four wheels and an engine I get excited. Few men are lucky enough to be able to share their passion for cars with the woman they love. Fortunately, my wife, Katriana, is also a gear head and many of our activities revolve around the cars. We have a small collection that includes at least one car from each of the Big Three. It includes a Best of Show winner, a survivor, a driver with lots of patina and several others. Katrina prefers all original cars while I like to modify them so we have a few of each. When we aren't playing with cars we are out working with or showing our miniature donkeys. You can see more about that part of our lives at

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