Ford’s Better Idea; Stop-Start Technology?

It is rumored that in 2112 Ford will equip many of its U.S. cars and SUVs with stop-start technology. What this will do is automatically shut down the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop. This is all done to cut down on fuel consumption and emissions.
Thistechnology,Start-Stop, will be available with either manual or automatic transmissions.
Ford’s new generation of direct-injection four-cylinder engines will be the first to get the stop-start technology but plans plans to spread it among its four-, six- and eight-cylinder engine families. However, the technology can’t be used on all models, such as the F-series Super Duty pickups, the spokesman said.
Now doesn’t that just make you want to run out a get in line for a new Ford? Hell, I had a car like that in High School forty years ago. Every time I pulled up to a stop the engine did too. Of course it was “old school” technology and I had to manually restart it and it was a pain in the rear!
I have driven one of those hybrids that does the samething. Every time I pulled up to a stop light in that thing it quit running and I would reach down for the key to restart it! Not a good idea.
Ford, leave us old farts alone! Now, that is a better idea, what do you think?