Muscle Car Book; A Photo Shoot

I recently received a phone call from a representative of Motorbooks about photographing some of our cars for a new muscle car book they will be publishing next year, 2009. We have had cars photographed by them before and used on a calendar and some shots in a book; we also have had magazine and TV photo shoots. They are always interesting and also stressful. You are always afraid that one flaw you know about on the car will show up like a wart on Sarah Palin’s nose.
David Newhardt will be doing the text and Peter Harholdt is doing the photography. If you are familiar with the book, Art of the Hot Rod you will know what the muscle car book will be like, terrific!
Peter and his assistant showed up to shoot three of our cars and I was blown away with his portable photo studio. It took an hour or so to set up and another hour to stow away when he was done but the results were outstanding. I have included a few of my shots from the day so you can see the behind the scenes activities.
Peter showed me the digital images of what he did that day and I was amazed at the quality of his work. He focused on the light and reflections to achieve images you would otherwise never see. I can not wait until the book is published.
Peter Harholdt is also a car guy and a full on artist. Go to his web page ( and check out his bio. Race car driver, artist and more!
His self designed portable photo studio is contained in a 5th wheel trailer. I have seen the photo guys at car shows take your car’s picture and frame it for you before you leave. For the most part they are photographers but not artist. I have experienced the outdoor photo shoots with stills, action and video. I am always impressed with the quality of the images of these professionals, but Peter’s work transcends the ordinary car photo and turns it into real art. He is an artist and he gets to see some of the best cars in the Country. How cool is that?
I wish I had found this site before because it is great!